Equality Opportunity Statement
is committed to promoting equality of opportunity for the benefit of all and reflecting the diversity of the children, staff and parents served by the school.
It is part of the Academy’s ethos to respect and value each person as an individual human being, each with their own gifts and challenges. The Academy is opposed to all forms of discrimination against any person or group of people on the grounds of race, gender, faith, disability, age and sexual orientation. The Governing Body and staff recognise their responsibilities in preparing young people for life in our culturally diverse society and showing, by example, the value of respect for each other, as well as self-respect. They also recognise the opportunity to demonstrate that commitment, both as a community resources provider and as a local employer. The Academy Hereford rejects racism, in all its forms, including any statements in Steiner’s work that appear to be racist, or to support racism. The Academy is mindful that Steiner frequently described racist views as being anachronistic and antithetical to basic human values and dignity.
Equal Opportunities Policy (Pupils)
1.1 The Governing Body and the College of Teachers of the Academy aims to provide an appropriate and supportive learning experience for all pupils, whatever their colour, origin, culture, gender, religion or ability. The Academy has high expectations of all pupils.
1.2 Steiner Academy Hereford is committed to a policy of treating all pupils and their parents and potential pupils and their parents as equals. It is central to the Academy’s ethos to respect each person as a valuable and individual human being, each with his or her own gifts and challenges. (see also Inclusion policy)
1.3 The Academy aims to provide pupils with the opportunity to learn in an environment free of prejudice. Every opportunity within the Academy, the community of families and staff and curriculum will be used to create and enhance respect, tolerance and support for all human beings in all their diversity and richness and in particular for each member of the Academy community. It is the responsibility of all staff to ensure that their conduct with pupils and colleagues reflects this responsibility at all times.
Equal Opportunities (Staff)
1.1 The Governing Body of the Academy aims to support the creation of an environment that will:
i eliminate unlawful, direct and indirect discrimination and promote equality of opportunity;
ii ensure that no employee or job applicant receives less favourable treatment on grounds of ethnic origin, colour, disability, creed, marital status, nationality, race, religion, culture, gender, gender recognition or sexual orientation;
iii have regard to equal terms for men and women in employment in accordance with the EC Equal Terms Directive, 2002/73/EC;
iv have regard to Sex Discrimination (Gender Reassignment) regulations which prevent discrimination against transsexual people in employment and vocational training;
v eradicate racial, religious or sexual harassment and discrimination on the basis of disability and sexual orientation;
vi value, celebrate and learn from the cultural diversity of its staff.
Personnel – Equality Policy and Objectives