At we are committed to ensuring that our policies and procedures are real reflections of custom and practice at our school, and achieve a high level of effective governance, safeguarding and educational insight.
In order to maximise our accessibility and transparency, we have extended our responsibility for publishing statutory policies to a range of non-statutory policies. The policies are arranged according to which governor committee holds responsibility for them. Please see the MAP document for more details.
- Admissions-Policies-Statutory.pdf (538.4 KB)
- Appeals Timetable (23.1 KB)
- Approved Admission Arrangements 2017-18 (615.0 KB)
- Communications-Statutory.pdf (640.2 KB)
- Data_Protection- Policy (222.2 KB)
- FOI-publication-scheme.pdf (222.6 KB)
- photography_and_digital_images_of_pupils.pdf (1.8 MB)
- Charging and Remissions Policy 2016-17 (174.2 KB)
- Finance Policies 2016 to 2017 (643.4 KB)
- Sports Grant Spending 2015 to 2016 – Updated March ’16 (51.0 KB)
- Complaints Policy (143.2 KB)
- Conduct-Procedure-Guidance-Allegations-Against-Staff.pdf (283.6 KB)
- Equality Policy and Objectives (132.0 KB)
- Equality-and-Diversity-policy.pdf (228.8 KB)
- Grievance-Procedures.pdf (208.4 KB)
- Personnel-Statutory-Policies-Nov-15.pdf (600.1 KB)
- Unacceptable Behaviour Policy – 2015 to 2016 (265.1 KB)
- Landscape-Management-Plan.pdf (421.5 KB)
- Lettings-Policy.pdf (166.3 KB)
- Premises Management Policy (172.3 KB)
- Premises-Management-Policy.pdf (276.1 KB)
- Premises-Statutory-Policies-Nov-15.pdf (653.9 KB)
- Risk-Assessment-Policy.pdf (156.3 KB)
- Steiner-Academy-Hereford-Accessibility-Plan.pdf (304.8 KB)
- Supporting Pupils with Medical Needs (158.2 KB)
Teaching and Learning
- Anti-bullying Policy Feb 2016 (88.1 KB)
- Behaviour-Policy-2015.pdf (157.5 KB)
- Consultation_on_SENDCO_regulations.pdf (87.0 KB)
- Home-School-Agreement-Classes-1-6(2).pdf (261.6 KB)
- Home-School-Agreement-Classes-7-10.pdf (195.6 KB)
- Kindergarten Home School Agreement 2016 (125.0 KB)
- Nurturing-Gifts-&-Talents-Policy.pdf (125.9 KB)
- PHSE policy 2016 (2) (80.5 KB)
- Safeguarding-Policy-Jan 2016.pdf (398.1 KB)
- SEND-Policy-2016 (158.0 KB)
- Teaching & Learning Statutory Policies (566.9 KB)