Articles and Reports
Promoting Positive Behaviour
Our Academy is founded upon a belief in the uniqueness of the individual.
We seek to develop each individual’s strengths, whilst bringing weaknesses into balance. This can only happen if there is respect for each other and for the whole community.
Out of such respect a caring, friendly and fair community can evolve in which everyone is able to work and learn alongside each other without prejudice.
The behaviour expected in our Academy should reflect this statement.
Landscape Management
SEN Governors Report
(Prepared by the School under the Education (SEN) Information England Regulations 1999 No 2506)
Schedule 1 Information for Maintained Schools.
Basic Information about the school Special Education Provisions – please refer to the full Invalid download ID..
1. Objectives
To support pupils’ learning and access to the education. All pupils will participate in the main lessons and majority of subject lessons, regular routines and activities of their class, though these may be modified to meet individual needs.
Our policy accords with the 2002 SEN Code of Practice.
We aim to identify as early as possible any pupil with SEN. We will follow the SEN Code of Practice guidelines to ensure a graduated response to identification and assessment of children with SEN, and work in partnership with parents to provide an Individual Education Plan, or Individual Behaviour Plan which will be reviewed at least twice a year. An SEN Register is kept.
2. The SENCOs
The SENCOs for this setting, who have responsibility for the day to day operation of the SEN policy are Jill Tate, Alison Gebert and Karen Fielding. Jill Tate is responsible for secondary age pupils, Alison Gebert for primary and Karen Fielding for Early Years.
3. School Action
Where differentiation alone is not deemed adequate to meet the child’s needs the relevant SENCO will become involved and the pupil’s name will be entered on the SEN Register.
- A thorough assessment of the child’s needs may be carried out by a Learning Support teacher and an IEP (Individual Education Plan) or IBP (Individual Behaviour Plan) drawn up.
- Therapies and medication may be recommended by the school doctor.
- Learning support lessons may begin upon their ability to reap the full benefit of the education offered by Steiner Academy Hereford. (see policy for more details)
4. New Children
Children entering the school from Class 3 may be assessed for; coordination and balance, dominance, auditory and visual discrimination, spelling, reading and maths.
5. Individual and small group support
The Academy provides withdrawn (from class) individual and small group support for literacy and numeracy. In addition extra outdoor activities are provided by our specialism.
6. Teaching assistants
SEN pupils benefit from teaching assistants in most classes, including dedicated TA’s as necessary. Additional provision is provided to meet medical needs. Upper storey classrooms are accessible via the lift from the entrance foyer. All ground floor classes are accessible (see Academy Accessiblity Plan).
7-8. Identification and Assessment
understands the importance of early identification and assessment of children with SEN. In practice, the precise causes of special needs may be varied, multiple and, in some cases, hard to identify. Assessment considers SpLD, emotional and behavioural difficulties, physical disabilities, sensory impairments and medical disorders.
Class screening
Early identification of learning difficulties is carried out through a comprehensive screening process at the end of class 2. Thereafter, screening tests are administered annually (see policy for details)
9. SEN pupils
SEN pupils are fully included wherever possible in a broad and balanced Steiner curriculum.
10-11. SEN governor
The Academy has a dedicated SEN governor who monitors the screening results and progress summaries. The governors make regular visits to classes.
12. Complaints Procedure
If a parent or carer has a concern related to Special Education Needs, has a ‘Sharing Concerns Procedure’ which should be followed, with involvement of the relevant SENco.
13. SENco budget
A SENco budget has been made available for in-service training of support staff.
14 & 17. External agencies
External agencies currently working with the school:-
- Specialist teacher for the deaf
- Speech and language therapist
- Local Authority SEN team
- Independent Education Psychologist
- CLD counselling (on-site)
- CAMhs
- PSHE Advisors from NHS
- Paediatric Diabetes Specialist NHS
- Educational Welfare Officer
- Common Assessment Framework
- Social Services
- The Kite Centre (occupational therapy)
- Bereavement Councillors
15. Links with parents
Close links with parents are very much encouraged and volunteer opportunities are provided
16. Inter school transfers
With parental permission, relevant information will be sent from this school to the new setting which the child will be attending. With parental permission, the new setting’s staff are welcome to visit and observe a session and discuss the child.
Post 16 transitions
Pupils receive specialist careers guidance which is offered alongside taster sessions and interviews at local colleges. Pupils with a Statement of SEN receive specific statutory guidance and transfer documentation.